Conditions that we treat


About the Condition

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can significantly impact an individual's daily life, causing distressing thoughts and repetitive behaviors that are difficult to control. At NeuroSolution, we provide effective therapies to regain control over OCD symptoms and improve overall well-being.

Our experienced team at NeuroSolution recognizes individuals' unique challenges with OCD and understands the importance of a comprehensive approach to treatment. We employ evidence-based therapies, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure and response prevention (ERP), and medication management when necessary, to address intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors.

Through individualized treatment plans, we work closely with patients to identify triggers, develop coping strategies, and establish healthier thinking and behavior patterns. Our goal is to empower individuals with OCD to manage their symptoms, reduce distress, and improve their overall quality of life.

Real patient outcomes

Defying Limits and Embracing Hope

We will achieve results where others fail. If your doctor has ever said, “We’re not saying no, but it probably won’t ever happen,” you don’t have to accept that. Find hope in these inspiring and typical patient testimonials.

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Dr. Kyle Daigle, of NeuroSolution Center of Lake Charles, performing laser therapy on a pediatric patient.